Saturday, 13 July 2013

The Walking Dead Episode 1 / Part 2

"A New Day Part 2: The Farm"

We leave the house and see two men trying to push a car out of the hectic abandoned road. We approach and are mistaken for the walking dead. We quickly assure them we are OK and do not intend to harm them and are just looking for some help. When questioned by one of the men our relation to Clementine we advise we are a neighbor he takes notice of this, as does Clementine. We greet and exchange names of the two men, Shaun and Ched. Conversation is short as we have to rush to get the car out of the road to get out of the town as the walkers quickly  approach. We quickly help and push the car out of the way and make our way for the truck that we intend to use to escape. A very close call as we jump into the car with Ched leaping into the back as walkers just miss our grasp.

This leads us into the night as we journey with the two men to a nearby farm. We are greeted by Shaun's Father, Hershal Greene the owner of the farm and we are interrogated from the outset of our whereabouts and our relations with Clementine. We choose again to explains we are a neighbor to Clementine which she agrees and tells him She is aware of who we are. Hershal kindly tells us we can stay the night and we will need to be on our way from there. He helps fix our injured leg still with a number of curious questions of our whereabouts and what our business is. We feel we have to lie as first impressions are everything and we dont want to explain that we were in a cop car on our way to jail. We tell him we were leaving Atlanta but mistake in saying we were with no one, Hershal is weary of our presence and it is very noticeable that he does not believe what we have said. Either way he lets us on our way to rest in the barn. One restless sleep later, with nightmares and screams which can be assumed to be of Lee's Wife, we are awakened by Kenny.

Kenny introduces us to his enthusiastic son Ken JR other known as Duck and his Wife Katjaa. We part with Clementine and are asked by Shaun to help with fixing the fence round the farm to protect it from walkers. We speak with Kenny first and learn he has a boat and offer a helping hand with the truck he intends to use to leave the farm with his family. He kindly declines and leaves us to help with the fixing of the fence. We meet up with Duck and Shaun at the back of the farm. Shaun is hard at work with Duck having fun on the tractor. Shaun expresses his opinion on what hes seen so far in the world as is turns for the worst. He tells us he has had to see a kid be shot not knowing if it was a walker or if he was just asking for help. We discuss family encounters keeping most information minimum as it stands.We cut the pieces of wood as Shaun's asks us to do so and leave. Shaun thanks us for the help and lets us know he is glad he didnt leave us behind.

We walk to the barn to speak to Hershel. He grinds us for the lies we told him the night before but doesnt make too much of it and gives us some advise for the future that we will have to trust a strangers judgement and that we will have to make hard decisions to stay alive.


Screams from behind the house are loud and halt the conversation with the rumbling sound of the tracker within the background. We run quickly to the back of the house where Shaun is lying trapped under the tractor with walkers inches away trying to break the fence. Duck is sitting upon the tractor and is grasped and pulled down by a walker. A split decision must be made. Its either to save Shaun or Duck. With no time for hesitation we run towards Duck and help the child first. We punch the walker twice till it loosens his grip on Duck and he is broken free. Meanwhile Shaun is cluttered under two walkers and is mauled by the walkers, Hershal shoots the walkers that surround him but it is much too late.

Hershal Screams and threatens everyone at the farm to get out and leave him be. Kenny offers us a lift into town which will help us progress in our journey. It is clear that Hershal no longer wants us at the farm with the death of his son. We accept and progress into the town. What other threats will lie in the town and will there be a safe place to lay low for us to survive?

Find out in Part 3 of The Walking Dead: A New Day

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