Sunday, 23 June 2013

What do you want to see?

Ive only been doing this for 2 months really now and trying to do as much as i can with reviews etc but id like to hear some feedback from the little people that read this blog.

I will be putting up a poll and i want you to decide which posts youd like to see. The content would be between the following;

The Last of Us Online -  Ive played a few games of this and its something that im really getting into. There are two game types of Survivor and Supply Raid. The basis of mulitplayer is to create a clan each game you get food and supplies to increase the number of people in your camp to avoid poeple getting sick or hungry and there are also a number of challenge to do within the games 12 week period. Survivor has no respawns and its basicallly 4 on 4 death match and to kill every enemy with a number of round. Supply raid is to collect as much food and supplies to try and grow your clan day by day. So the content il being will be how i play and perform and anything exciting that goes on really.

Fifa Pro Clubs -  I play this a lot and have a team with another one of my friends. This content will have the ups and downs and we try and win cup matches and progress in our leagues to get to the division one. This can contain trolling and screamers and i will try and get as much exciting stuff in as i can. And if possible low quality video of saved goals.

The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series -  This is a beloved game and has had heaps and heaps of praise and its something ive really wanted to get into as ive only played the first episode. It will basically be a walkthrough of each episode and what happens in each but it is definitely something il be getting and it is full of story and twists with a number of choices you can make as a character so it may be something you're interested in.

Other?  Any suggestions from your wonderful self would be appreciated if there anything youd like to see please let me know in the comments and it can be anything for the Ps3 as that is the only console i play. But yeah any suggestions will be considered as well.

As i said i have only been doing this for 2 months and im reasonably happy with the views ive had on the blog counting just over a thousand. So if you do read these please share and post your thoughts on reviews and anything else i do it is as always appreciated.

Thanks for reading


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