E3 kicked off with microsoft. Now a lot of people may have wanted some answered to various aspects of restrictions and games, enough of the tv aspect and show us games. And i think Xbox fans wouldn't have been disappointed in what they were presented with.
Firstly they came out to tell us though that there is a new xbox 360 model coming out and that Xbox live gold members will be getting 2 free games every month, similar to what Playstation do with some games for there plus members.
They then went on to discuss the Xbox one, stating that they will not be using Microsoft points but in standard currency for the likes of DLC's. They also discussed how you interact with the console and how you can view other players progress in real time. Also the console records some of your gameplay and also upload Live what your playing to Twitch tv which is an awesome feature for people who love to show off there gaming skills.
Games, this is where Microsoft surprisingly delivered showcasing a number of exclusive games. Now i wont go through them all in detail but i have produced a list of the games they showed.
- New Halo
- Titan Fall
- Ryse: son of rome
- sunset overdrive
- killer instinct
- Forza
- Quantam Break
- D4
- Crimson Dragon
- Project Spark
Microsoft showed some demos and trailers for these exclusive also presenting some exclusive contents for the mulitplatform games such as Battlefield 4. Now there is quite a number of exclusives for Xbox one and will have Xbox fans buzzing as a new halo has been announced and beautifully creative games like project spark being announced will sure to excite gamers everywhere. The console will be available in November and is priced at £429.
Moving on to the Sony conference. First off the went on to showcase what the PsVita has to offer in its 2nd year of the market. It went on t discuss how its for indie developers and that 85 games this year will be presented and it discussed that remote play with the ps4 will i guess work? but that function will only show when the console is out. The games that were presented for the vita were the likes of Killzone, tearaway, god of war trilogy, Batman and games of flower and dead nation coming as well. Also a new bundle will be available with the first season of Telltales The walking dead game with the Vita console.
What was good about the sony conference was that they showed a lot of gameplay. And for the Ps3 it was no different essentially showing off the final games that will come this year. The gameplay that was shown was more of The last of us, the pupateer, Rain, Beyond two souls and Gran Turismo. It also went to show the multi platform games of Batman and GTA 5 showing off some exclusive content with each game and a new bundle for the GTA5.
Finally for what everyone was there for to see the Playstation 4. However they started off pritty slow. They discussed a number of times how they focus on fans and the content they produce is tailored for gamers then they went on to discuss music and video features. They told us about an exclusive program plan and movies will be available for rental. A number of features and apps that Xbox one presented in there reveal with the likes of netflix and flixter apps. A start that was not too much exciting. Only exicting part was they finally showed off the console which really looks very similar to the xbox one. As i saw someone state on twitter its xbox one in italics which is bang on.
They finally went on to the games and exclusive PS will have. Again i wont discuss them all but have produced a list of what they showed off. Making note each game showed actual gameplay.
- Killzone Shadow fall
- Infamous second son
- The Order 1886
- Drive Club
- Knack
- Dark Sorcerer
- Final Fantasy
- Kingdom of hearts
A few short of what Xbox presented at their conference and with 4 games from that line up already being shown some may be slightly dissapointed. However it was very nice to see atual gameplay of the games that definetly got gamers excited. They also went on to discuss some exclusive content to multi platforms with the like of watchdogs.
They again went on to discuss how there about the gamers and a console for developers and they got out a number of indie studios that are making there games exclusive to Ps4 which is nice for the people who live indie developed games. They also showed us a remake of Abes oddesy and any playstation fan will be drooling at this. Well i know i was, but i may just have been drooling as it was approaching 4 in the morning but still its exciting nonetheless.
They also presented gameplay of destiny but i will go in that more detail at a later date. All you need to know is it was awesome.
Finally they got down to some technical stuff but really it was as slow and agonizing dig at Microsoft to be honest. Ps4 will be supporting used games which is delightful news and what it should be in essence when you buy a game you have all rights to do whatever you want with the game, sell it, trade it and share it with friends. No online connection is needed and you can play your games as you like online or offline with no checks for connection hinting at what microsoft have done, stating they wont be doing the same. This aspect of the console could differ on what people get. As casual gamers who love the games that come out for both consoles may side with the ps4 as when they buy the game they can do what they want with it really.
The Price of the Ps4 will be £349 but no announcement of the release date was made.
The Price of the Ps4 will be £349 but no announcement of the release date was made.
Still the feud between the consoles is strong and it will go on for years to come but it really does come down to preference in the end. Which exlcusive games will you enjoy more will persuade the gamers and really some die hard fans of microsoft and sony just wont change. Regardless of the console war Each console showcased the Next Gen consoles brilliantly really showing off what they have to offer. The Next Gen consoles are with us and they surely did not disappoint.
Which Consoles is for you?
Thanks for reading and be sure to check later where i will discuss the games im most excited for, exclusively and mulitplatform
Thanks for reading
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