Monday 20 May 2013

The Bat Min

Today I'm bringing you a short blog of one of my own projects. I also felt that because a new trailer of the actual Batman: Arkham Origins was released that it was fitting. Unfortunately i don't have a trailer for this masterpiece  but this is a project i worked on with 2 other team mates part of a week long game jam called 'Batmin'. It was all just basically for a bit of fun but the end product was pretty good i thought.

You play as the Batmin and you have to collect all the blood drops within the map and defeat the evil owls. I know it sounds awesome.It was created for a mobile game but it didn't really work out that way, although it was playable on a mobile with certain unity apps on the phone. The character is in a constant running motion where you have to jump, slide and throw your batarangs at the enemy owls to reach the end of the level.

It was a funny project to complete as it wasnt taken too seriously. I done all the art work on paint and photoshop and i also done voice overs which unfortunately you cant hear.

So yeah the end project was a humorous action packed game and it was really fun to create. Hope you enjoy the in game screen shots.

Thanks for reading.

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