DISCLAIMER: These are my views on a specific topic if you dont agree, well thats cool i dont mind ... enjoy.
As i score my 3rd goal in Pro clubs on Fifa and shoosh the opponent to display my greatness, the threatening words tremble in my hear "I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you". Yes, these were the words of my opponent as he signed off in a passion of rage. However i do feel some comfort and security as long as my opponent wasn't Liam Neeson i think i'l be OK.
As the title may suggest i apologize its not about taken it is however fitting ,as displayed above, to a very popular talking point that isnt just related to games but related to the social media world that we live in. That topic is 'Trolling'. I feel this is a good topic as recently, ive been playing a lot of Pro clubs on Fifa with my friends and the amount of abuse is staggering.
So what is trolling? it is, in essence what we would call in 2k5(2005) a keyboard gangster someone who finds solidarity behind a keyboard or voice chat to mock and abuse someone be it a celebrity or just a random person who you disagree with. Where can you find a troll? everywhere in our social media filled world; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, gaming and under bridges, you name it there will be a troll.
But is trolling such a bad thing? People through twitter to most extent find clear offense to such vile behaviors and in some cases the person trolling has even been sentenced to jail. Surely there is much greater threats in the world to be put in prison for more so than mocking someone through social media. It seems to me that many people cannot see the light heartened side of trolling. As I even find myself at the 'mature' age of 21 shouting at a guy on Fifa born in 1978 at 3 in the afternoon to get a job just because he was beating me. Was this a personal attack? No. Did i actually hate the guy for beating me? Maybe. But did i hate the fact that this man at 3 in the afternoon could play fifa? No, as i expect when i am the age of 34/35 i will be doing the same damn thing. One can only hope. So with my trolling there was no meaning behind my words, and luckily this player and his friend enjoyed the anger that myself and my team mate had towards them which is key in a delightful game of fifa in most cases. Throughout the week ive came across many players that scream abuse at me for beating them and even before the game has started just a vary of tremendous abusive words to distract me from the game, but this adds incentive to games and the thrill can only be seen as fantastic.
However i can see the point of view that people do get offended by what people say if it is on a personal level, but is there a real necessity to actually be hurt by the words in most cases by someone who doesnt even know you? and in most cases who are just annoyed at you for being better at something that they cant do or dont have the courage to do so. Or infact they are just being mean for there own enjoyment. If you do take offense to trolling lets be honest your only human and sometimes you cant help it but these reactions are what feed trolls it there intentions and thats why its done. So as the hipsters would say, "haters gonna hate" and i say let them do so and just enjoy what your doing regardless of what others say.
In my opinion i dont feel that these trolling actions through whatever means be it twitter or gaming should be seen as any attack or sense of bullying and comments of such behavior should just be shrugged off as delightful humor. So enjoy a good troll and have a go yourself it can be hilarious.trust me.
This blog is obviously just scratching the surface of the topic so please comment your views below.
Until Next time !
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