Thursday, 30 May 2013

E3: The Console War

The Next Generation Console War. Which will come out on top at E3?

Well its still hard to decide. From both reveals there have been mixed reviews on what came out on top. But lets take a step away from which is better. We're here to discuss what we want to see from our beloved consoles at E3.

As i have stated previously both companies took different approaches to there reveals. A recap Sony took an approach really to get developers out and talk about the games there making exclusive to Ps4. Where Xbox decided to speak about all the individual features that there console can provide.

So what do we want to see from each console?

PS4: Well a starting point for Sony would be to show the console. We've only seen so far what the controller will look like and blurry images of the console. Although its not the most important thing to be honest as we want to know everything the console can actually do. Sony displayed a number of exclusive games that had PlayStation fans in awe, but what we want to see is individual features that separate it from the competition as well. Perhaps they will go more into how you can share game play clips and perhaps they willo show the different features the touch pad on the controller can have. Maybe more games? who knows but Sony are sure to bring everything theyve got to blow us away.

Xbox One: Xbox showed a lot of nice features on there reveal and they showed the console. But thats it. What us gamers want to see at E3 is games. Will there be any exclusives? apparently there is a confirmed number of how many exclusives but we have no idea what they are. From the feedback they got from the reveal the fans have had enough of the features they can offer and they want to see games.

They want to know what makes this a better GAMING console. Will Microsoft deliver what the fans really want?

In my opinion exclusive content is essential in the console war. Its what will separate the consoles whether it be for gaming  or entertainment, Sony and Microsoft really need to decide what root they want to go down and what fans they want to enjoy there consoles. Exclusive features and games that are designed for one console will have to be compared to the other to really show which is better. Its not the Call of Duty, Watch Dogs and Fifa etc, those games will perhaps define the Next Gen consoles as a whole, but what we want is games and features that define the specific console and show what  they can bring to the gaming world and prove to us why they are better. So both Sony and Microsoft really have to bring everything they have.

E3, Regardless is sure to be a fantastic and thrilling event that we are all excited for. Will both consoles deliver at the event? Will one walk away victorious before the consoles are even out? There is only one thing we can do and that is sit tight and wait for E3.

Thanks for reading


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